Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Remarkable Output Proven at Donggi 6

JAKARTA: PT Pertamina EP has proved successfully success reserves in well of Donggi 6, Central Sulawesi with output more than 17 Million Metric Standard Cubic Feet per Day after undergoing an output test in the well.

President Director of Pertamina EP Syamsu Alam revealed the management is more optimistic to start distributing the gas from the structure of Donggi in the fourth quarter of 2014. Donggi site having 8 wells is a part of gas development project of Matindok.

"We are grateful that the success of Donggi-6 has added the success record of Pertamina EP after proving the gas and oil reserves in the first two months in 2012. the success has strengthened the optimism of Pertamina EP in achieving the target of gas distribution from Donggi’s structure in the fourth quarter of 2014,” he said in a press conference yesterday.